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Helpful Links

  • NHS DIGITAL - We collect data on people getting help with mental health problems or in contact with learning disability services, to improve health and care.  To the website.
  • MIND - We won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets both support and respect. To the website.
  • YOUNGMIND - We're leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. To the website.
  • CHILDLINE - Help for children. To the website.

Helpful Numbers

  • YOUNG MINDS Parents Hotline - 0808 802 5544
  • MIND Infoline - 0300 123 3393
  • SAMARITANS - 116 123
  • SANELINE - 0300 304 7000
  • CHILDLINE -  0800 11 11